Kiernan Tollefson - EPK
Approved artist bio
Kiernan Tollefson is an independent, instrumental acoustic guitarist. His emotionally intense sound has been likened to acoustic guitar greats such as Billy McLaughlin and Tommy Emmanuel with a classic rock influence. His songs come from the highs and lows of life with his story is one of incredible perseverance and grit. He began playing the guitar in the winter of 2015 following several medical complications and surgeries that led him to being hospitalized then bed-ridden for months. With nothing but darkness ahead, he picked up the guitar. Through thousands of hours of practicing and writing, Kiernan began to develop his own style which led him to start releasing music in the Fall of 2020.
Kiernan has been featured on several different Minneapolis/Saint Paul blogs and podcasts along with having article write-ups by the Chisago County Press and the Bethel Clarion.
Press Photos
Music Videos

Kiernan Tollefson is an independent, self-managed artist.